Last Will Letter (Runner Up English Battle Day 2012)

My Lovely Dear, Mom and Dad…
This will be my last letter to you before I leave. I live a wonderful time with you Mom, learning the meaning of the word love, forgiveness, sincerity, and dreams. Dad, when I think of you, you are always raising me in your arms for more than seventeen years, I am filled with a sense of gratitude. From you I learn many things, about wisdom, simplicity, and strong. I would like to thank you for all the help I have experienced over the seventeen years I have had. Don’t you know Dad, there is no one else has lived a happier life than me.
          Everyone will be dead, so am I. Death will come to mind. A person dies once. Then, she forever can not do anymore. Only last month it looked like we might be together again after all. Now that always can not be, I want so much for you to know all that I have come to know. I am just afraid I haveny say sorry before I leave. I do not know what should I do. I just can pray, I hope before I die, I can make you both, proud of me. I realize, my live is no longer old. Unfortunately, I may write only a few simple words for you.
So please Mom and Dad,
I apology for all mistakes that I have ever done. I remember when I hospitalized because of that accident, my new motorcycle given you was broken. I broke it directly, even that was your present as my seventeen, but you never complained about it. You always accompanied me a whole time. You whispered my name in every your prays to Allah. You wish I could be better soon. Although you were tired, you never made it as your problem. Mom, you are my everything. Dad, you are my hero. If anything happens to me, I should like you to know how much you have meant to me.
Above all, Mom and Dad, please take care of your health, and I wish for everyone’s prosperity. I always and forever will be living near you and will be praying for your happiness. I will go smiling on the day when my time arrived. Forever.
Mom and Dad, please be glad for me.
Could I remind you about last party of Mom’s birthday? It was a marvelous thing. That is the best party we shared together. I love you, I always have.
For someone who still stay in my deepest heart,
There are so many things I would like to tell and ask you, but I can not say any more words. I am not going to ask for forgiveness again, I understand it as well. I thank you for having the courage to say the things I never had the courage to say, and I thank you for showing me your heart and your mind. I feel as the same what you feel, actually. I just have myself to blame for it why I can not say so like you do.
I wish things could have been different. You know, I have to force myself not to think of you more. But It does not work, just useless. Do you remember when you let me go years ago? I have to try because I do not want to make the same mistakes again. Now, you come to me and tell everything. I do not know what your mean.
I realize we have both hurt each other over the years, but I never thought things would end like this. I have  found many pictures of us looking happy, we shared our high school time together. Did you forget? Now, I so badly realize. You never lie to me. It is true.
I am quite hopeless that this letter  will make any difference, that this story will have a different ending, but I would not forgive myself if I did not at least try one last time. I am shameless when it comes to you. You are so right, I will continue to live half of one until I finish my story with you. Let me come to your life. You wait very long to hear from me, and I will wait that time and longer for you. Thank you for saving my heart. I love you so.
Yours sincerely,
