The Use of Crystal Algae

Do you know about crytal algae? Maybe most of you have not known yet about this one. Crystal algae is kind of algae that really useful and effective for our body. Last year my mom got crystal algae from her partner. She said that it could make our body healthy. Prof Merille, a scientist from Germany have researched about it and discovered  so many benefits by consuming crystal algae. For example, it can cure some diseases, such as hypertension, cancer, bronchitis, kidney failure, nerve damage, and most of serious illness. Recently, I have tried to cultivate crystal algae. It is not really hard, because we just need to ferment three tea spoons of crystal algae and one liter drinking water in the water container made from plastic or ceramic. It is not allowed to use equipment from iron, because it can make crystal algae does not grow well. Raisin and sugar is good nutrition for crystal algae, so give it seven raisins a week and two tea spoons sugar a day. For the best result, cover the water container and put it in the refrigerator. The water will be  ready in one day. We can reuse the dregs from water, just wash it with drinking water, it is better to not using water which contain a lot of sulfur or chlorine, because it will decrease the quality of algae. Then do it in a cyclical pattern. If you want to prove it, just check it out in your own experience.. 🙂

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