The Bright Future

On last week I had an assignment from UNNES to survey some students who got scholarship of bidikmisi. At the first, I thought that it would be an exciting experience because I would take around my region, but in fact, it was a tiring day. Although it was tired, I could get some lessons from it about how to thank and grateful to God for our beautiful life. At the first day I could not find any house that I had to survey. I just took around and it was very hard to find it. At the second day I decided to ask for my brother to accompany me and he agreed. We passed many ways to find it, there was in the middle of field, in the narrow path and so on. There was a family that made me so touching. Her father was died. He had 3 brothers and 2 sisters. Her mother worked in Jakarta. On that house, she just lived with her grandpa and grandma. She was never tired to make her dreams come true. Finally I told her to keep struggle to reach her own bright future, because “if there is a will, there is a way”.


Melted, Meleleh, “Lumer”…… :’)

Alhamdulillahirrabbilalamiin.. Terima kasih Ya Allah hari ini Engkau telah berikan banyak pelajaran berharga untuk kami. Untuk Aku, Adhel, Lian, Arum, Naya, Nuky, Rima, Amel, Rizka, Dj, Fithor, Bagus, dan semoga juga untuk teman-teman yang lain.

Hari ini aku sungguh bersyukur masih diberikan kesempatan untuk bisa mengikuti talkshow bersama Ahmad Fuadi, seorang penulis bestseller novel Negeri 5 Menara dan Ranah 3 Warna. Dan ternyata… sunggguh diluar dugaan, acaranya menggugah, membangkitkan semangat yang hampir redup, menyegarkan kembali otak yang dilanda kejenuhan, menumbuhkan gejolak untuk tegak bak tiang bendera yang mengibarkan kemenangan…. tanpa menyerah, tanpa lelah.

Banyak yang beliau sampaikan kepada kami, tentang indahnya bermimpi, menggantungkan semua asa setingi-tingginya, sekalipun kita belum tau apakah kita bisa untuk meraihnya..

Kuncinya yaitu kita harus mempunyai niat kuat. Tancapkan baik-baik pada diri dan hati kita bahwa niat yang baik akan menghasilkan hasil yang baik pula .Ikhlas dalam mengadapi semua skenario yang telah Allah tuliskan atas diri kita, karena memang Dialah Sang maha Misterius..
Sutradara kisah hidup milyaran kehidupan..

Kita juga harus mempunyai impian yang tinggi, sesulit apapun kita mencapainya, sekeras apapun usaha kita, jangan pernah ragu untuk menuliskannya, jangan pernah malu untuk mengatakannya kepada orang lain, dengan demikian akan memunculkan energi positif kepada diri kita bahwa kita mampu untuk mewujudkannya.

Dua mantra yang sungguh dahsyat maknanya jika kita mau mendalami,

“Man Jadda Wajada”
“Man Shabara Zhafira”
Siapa yang bersungguh-sunguh akan berhasil, Siapa yang bersabar akan beruntung.
Sungguh kekuatan tersembunyi yang mampu menggerakkan setiap bagian dari syaraf-syaraf tubuh kita untuk senantiasa berusaha mendapatkan apa yang kita impikan. Selain itu kita juga harus sabar, sabar dalam segala hal. Jangan biarkan hati kita men’dikte’ Tuhan, Allah tahu mana yang terbaik untuk umatNya. Allah akan memberikan apa yang kita butuhkan, bukan apa yang kita inginkan…

Dan untuk merealisasikan mimpi-mimpi kita,
Going d extra miles….
sekarang bukan saatnya lagi kita berjalan, kita harus berlari, ya berlari sekencang-kencangnya, sprinter hingga titik penghabisan. Berusaha diatas rata-rata orang lain. Jika rata-rata orang belajar 3 jam sehari, kita lebihkan menjadi 4 jam sehari, jika yang lain membaca 3 buku, kita membaca 4 buku, Run to Win…!!
Dan yang tak boleh kita lupakan, doa dan tawakal. Sekuat apapun usaha kita jika tidak diiringi dengan dua hal ini, maka semuanya akan sia-sia belaka.
• Rajin berdoa
• Mendoakan orang lain
• Minta didoakan oleh orang lain

And the most important we have to know,
Keep Consistent .. 🙂
Tetaplah konsisten dan istiqomah dengan apa yang kita lakukan. Satu hal inilah yang masih sulit untuk dilakukuan, setidaknya itu menurut aku, dan sekarang aku masih belajar untuk tetap konsisten, karena kunci sukses yang paling mahal adalah harga konsisten. Insya Allah bisa.
Cemungudh !! hehehe…

The last,
Sebaik-baiknya manusia adalah yang bermanfaat bagi orang lain =)
Semoga bermanfaat.



Batik is one of culture in Indonesia. The day of Batik Celebration is Pekalongan’s best-known Festival Batik. It takes place on 2nd October. On this day everyone in Indonesia especially for Pekalongan society should use batik. Before the Festival, people decorate their school with batik to be the best one. On the dat itself, Batik Museum is opened, and many tourist visit it. They can practice to make batik. The festivities in Pekalongan region are the most famous, especially those on the ‘Pekalongan Center’. There are traditional dances and parade of Batik-decorated in the evening. It is thought that this tradition originated by Pekalongan society. It involves the story of Pekalongan too.

The Use of Crystal Algae

Do you know about crytal algae? Maybe most of you have not known yet about this one. Crystal algae is kind of algae that really useful and effective for our body. Last year my mom got crystal algae from her partner. She said that it could make our body healthy. Prof Merille, a scientist from Germany have researched about it and discovered  so many benefits by consuming crystal algae. For example, it can cure some diseases, such as hypertension, cancer, bronchitis, kidney failure, nerve damage, and most of serious illness. Recently, I have tried to cultivate crystal algae. It is not really hard, because we just need to ferment three tea spoons of crystal algae and one liter drinking water in the water container made from plastic or ceramic. It is not allowed to use equipment from iron, because it can make crystal algae does not grow well. Raisin and sugar is good nutrition for crystal algae, so give it seven raisins a week and two tea spoons sugar a day. For the best result, cover the water container and put it in the refrigerator. The water will be  ready in one day. We can reuse the dregs from water, just wash it with drinking water, it is better to not using water which contain a lot of sulfur or chlorine, because it will decrease the quality of algae. Then do it in a cyclical pattern. If you want to prove it, just check it out in your own experience.. 🙂

Last Will Letter (Runner Up English Battle Day 2012)

My Lovely Dear, Mom and Dad…
This will be my last letter to you before I leave. I live a wonderful time with you Mom, learning the meaning of the word love, forgiveness, sincerity, and dreams. Dad, when I think of you, you are always raising me in your arms for more than seventeen years, I am filled with a sense of gratitude. From you I learn many things, about wisdom, simplicity, and strong. I would like to thank you for all the help I have experienced over the seventeen years I have had. Don’t you know Dad, there is no one else has lived a happier life than me.
          Everyone will be dead, so am I. Death will come to mind. A person dies once. Then, she forever can not do anymore. Only last month it looked like we might be together again after all. Now that always can not be, I want so much for you to know all that I have come to know. I am just afraid I haveny say sorry before I leave. I do not know what should I do. I just can pray, I hope before I die, I can make you both, proud of me. I realize, my live is no longer old. Unfortunately, I may write only a few simple words for you.
So please Mom and Dad,
I apology for all mistakes that I have ever done. I remember when I hospitalized because of that accident, my new motorcycle given you was broken. I broke it directly, even that was your present as my seventeen, but you never complained about it. You always accompanied me a whole time. You whispered my name in every your prays to Allah. You wish I could be better soon. Although you were tired, you never made it as your problem. Mom, you are my everything. Dad, you are my hero. If anything happens to me, I should like you to know how much you have meant to me.
Above all, Mom and Dad, please take care of your health, and I wish for everyone’s prosperity. I always and forever will be living near you and will be praying for your happiness. I will go smiling on the day when my time arrived. Forever.
Mom and Dad, please be glad for me.
Could I remind you about last party of Mom’s birthday? It was a marvelous thing. That is the best party we shared together. I love you, I always have.
For someone who still stay in my deepest heart,
There are so many things I would like to tell and ask you, but I can not say any more words. I am not going to ask for forgiveness again, I understand it as well. I thank you for having the courage to say the things I never had the courage to say, and I thank you for showing me your heart and your mind. I feel as the same what you feel, actually. I just have myself to blame for it why I can not say so like you do.
I wish things could have been different. You know, I have to force myself not to think of you more. But It does not work, just useless. Do you remember when you let me go years ago? I have to try because I do not want to make the same mistakes again. Now, you come to me and tell everything. I do not know what your mean.
I realize we have both hurt each other over the years, but I never thought things would end like this. I have  found many pictures of us looking happy, we shared our high school time together. Did you forget? Now, I so badly realize. You never lie to me. It is true.
I am quite hopeless that this letter  will make any difference, that this story will have a different ending, but I would not forgive myself if I did not at least try one last time. I am shameless when it comes to you. You are so right, I will continue to live half of one until I finish my story with you. Let me come to your life. You wait very long to hear from me, and I will wait that time and longer for you. Thank you for saving my heart. I love you so.
Yours sincerely,



I’d make a wish
I’d take the time
To sit and wait
Or stand in line
As i’d go and watch you leave
As i’d see you walk away
To somewhere
To some state
To a place that i don’t know
But before you go
I’d want you to know
That i’ll think of you
Every step of the way
As you’d step out of where i stand
And i’d struggle to say good bye
I won’t cry
And i won’t shed a tear
For i know that i’ll be wishing
That you’d be here
Right beside me
As i’d hold a dandelion in my hand
I’d wish with all my heart
That you’d turn around
You’d walk back to me
And hold me in your arms
Once again like you did before
I’d hold a dandelion
And i’d hear my heart beating
As you be leaving
On the next train out
To somewhere far away
And i’d want to hold you
In order for you to say
With me so i’d be at ease
But you’re not
So i’d have to let you do
As you please
As you walk out
And i’d tremble
But i do not cry…

The Power of ‘Thank You’

In the spirit of Thanksgiving I’d love to share with you the benefits and power of two simple words. THANK YOU.

They are two words that have the power to transform our health, happiness, athletic performance and success. Research shows that grateful people are happier and more likely to maintain good friendships. A state of gratitude, according to research by the Institute of HeartMath, also improves the heart’s rhythmic functioning, which helps us to reduce stress, think more clearly under pressure and heal physically. It’s actually physiologically impossible to be stressed and thankful at the same time. When you are grateful you flood your body and brain with emotions and endorphins that uplift and energize you rather than the stress hormones that drain you.

Gratitude and appreciation are also essential for a healthy work environment. In fact, the number one reason why people leave their jobs is because they don’t feel appreciated. A simple thank you and a show of appreciation can make all the difference.

Gratitude is like muscle. The more we do with it the stronger it gets. In this spirit here are 4 ways to practice Thanksgiving every day of the year.

1. Take a Daily Thank You Walk – Take a simple 10-minute walk each day and say out loud what you are thankful for. This will set you up for a positive day.

2. Meal Time Thank You’s – On Thanksgiving, or just at dinner with your friends and family, go around the table and have each person, including the kids at the little table, say what they are thankful for.

3. Gratitude Visit – Martin Seligman, Ph.D., the father of positive psychology, suggests that we write a letter expressing our gratitude to someone. Then we visit this person and read them the letter. His research shows that people who do this are measurably happier and less depressed a month later.

4. Say Thank You at Work – Doug Conant, the CEO of Campbell Soup, has written over 16,000 thank you notes to his employees and energized the company in the process. Energize and engage your co-workers and team by letting them know you are grateful for them and their work. And don’t forget to say thank you to your clients and customers too.

I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving. I’m thankful for YOU.

Rahasia Hati

cinta yg tak terucap
Ku coba merangkai kata cinta
Walau pun ku bukanlah pujangga yang bisa
Tuliskan kata-kata yang indah
Nyatanya tak ada nyali untuk ungkapkan

I wanna love you like the hurricane
I wanna love you like a mountain rain
So wild so pure
So strong and crazy for you

Andai matamu melihat aku
Terungkap semua isi hatiku

Alam sadarku alam mimpiku
Semua milikmu andai kau tau
Andai kau tau
Rahasia Cintaku

Berdoa dan beranikan diri
Sebelum semua ini terlambat terjadi

Andai matamu melihat aku
Terungkap semua isi hatiku
*courtesy of
Alam sadarku alam mimpiku
Semua milikmu andai kau tau
Andai kau tau
Rahasia Cintaku

Andai matamu melihat aku
Terungkap semua isi hatiku

Alam sadarku alam mimpiku
Semua milikmu andai kau tau
Andai kau tau
Rahasia Cintaku

Alam sadarku alam mimpiku
Semua milikmu andai kau tau
Andai kau tau
Rahasia aku